Friday, December 01, 2006


Air passengers are to face higher taxes in a mini-Budget to be unveiled by Gordon Brown next week. The Chancellor will announce increases in air passenger duty (APD) on Wednesday in an attempt to demonstrate that the Government is serious about tackling emissions linked to global warming.

A rise in vehicle excise duty on gas-guzzling 4 x 4 vehicles is also expected.
YUP: Leftists really do believe that higher taxes will save the Earth. And for this alone they are to be considered absolutelyNUTS - eco-nutsies. Here's what rational business leaders had to say about the British Chancellor's plan:
A spokesman for British Airways said: "We are opposed to further environmental taxes because we do not think they are a very effective way of addressing the issue of climate change. "Taxation is a very blunt instrument."

A Ryanair spokesman said: "An increase in air passenger duty will do nothing to protect the environment and will only line Government coffers, while making travel more expensive for ordinary passengers."
If socialism, high taxes and a central, command economy were good for the environment, then the USSR would have been the cleanest, greenest, safest, richest industrial place on earth - a utopia. IT WAS NOT. IT WAS HELL ON EARTH, AND REMAINS AMONG THE MOST POLLUTED REGIONS ON THE PLANET.

BOTTOM-LINE: We mustn't ever let the eco-nutsies scare us into rasing taxes, nor ever cede control of the economy to them. The Left today is no different than the left has ever been: they have always sought to shackle us at home with taxes and regulations, and to have us surrender to our enemies abroad.

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