Thursday, December 07, 2006


The ISG anti-Semites - like James A. (short for as**ole) Baker - have decried that the war in Iraq -- TYPIFIED NOW BY SHIA ON SUNNI VIOLENCE (a schism nearly as old as Islam itself) has as a "root cause" the Israeli-Arab conflict and the "Palestinian problem." They say it's linked. THIS IS UTTER BS. (AND VERY POIPULAR AMONG THOSE ON LEFT AND ANTI-SEMITES. Here's a link to a moron who titles his post The Road to Baghdad Runs Through Jerusalem.")

To believe this one would have to DISBELIEVE nearly everything that the jihadists themselves have been saying since 1979: Israel is the LITTLE Satan and the USA is the BIG SATAN. The jihadists have specifically said this - over-and-over-and-over again - and said that Israel is an outpost of of Western/infidel colonialization, and NOT that Israel is their major foe. The jihadists regard Israel as merely an outpost - like they regarded the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The jihadists don't want a two-state solution. Not Binladen and not Hamas. A two-state solution will not satisfy them or deter them. Arguing that it would is just effin' STUPID.

Therefore, to make the Israeli-Arab conflict an important prerequisite for the settlement of Iraqi civil problems IS EFFIN ABSURD. If not ANTI-SEMITIC. And idiotic. I REPEAT: STUPID.

There is one thing and only one thing which links the violence in Iraq to the violence in Gaza and the West Bank - and it's the same thing which links it to the violence in India and Afghanistan and Thailand, (ETC!): ISLAM.

The root cause of ALL the violence in the world today is ISLAM. THERE IS NO OTHER GLOBAL FOE OF PEACE.
YOU WANNA CALL IT RADICAL ISLAM!? Okay, if it makes you happy. But that doesn't really change things. The jihadists must be defeated in Iraq, AND EVERYWHERE ELSE. That's when we'll have peace. Peace Through Victory. That's the way it's always been. Redeploying our troops out of Iraq will NOT speed the day in which victory arrives. Taking off our gloves will: It's long passed time we whacked al Sadr and Assad - FOR STARTERS.


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