Thursday, November 23, 2006


You still don't believe that we're winning in Iraq? The drive-by media is providing the Dems with the sound-bite trees they need to convince the American people that we've been beaten, but it is more important to look at the forest. Here's a report from Bill Roggio, who has been there, and done that:

Lost in the current debate over Iraq - civil war or sectarian violence, success or failure, increasing troops or strategic redeployment, victory or defeat - is the sea-change occurring in western Iraq. The U.S. military has coaxed a large majority of the Sunnis of Anbar province, perhaps one of the most sympathetic groups to al-Qaeda in the Middle East, to turn on al-Qaeda. The choice wasn't difficult after the tribes saw what al-Qaeda had to offer – death, torture, Taliban like sharia, humiliation, destruction of commerce. The relationship and intelligence gained form operating in western Iraq will benefit the west during the Long War – if the U.S. doesn't withdrawal precipitously and leave the Anbar tribes to the predations of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Read The Whole Thing. Now.

Reliapundit adds: Great post and GREAT LINK! Let me frame the issue another way: If you were listening to a basketball game on the radio, and the announcers ONLY reported the points scored by one team, then HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHICH TEAM WAS WINNING?! YOU COULD NOT.

This is how the drive-by MSM reports the war in Iraq: They only report US casualties and those Iraqis killed by 1400 year old sectarian strife. They do not report our successes, or the enemy killed - nor do they put the sectarian strife into perspective, (neither the 1400 year old perspective, or the fact that despite the horrific level of violence today in Iarq, FEWER Iraqis are being killed each year NOW than under Saddam). The result is that most Americans believe we are losing in Iraq and that we cannot win. Which is pure BS. And the MSM knows it. They're following the TET '68 MSM program: LIE; TELL THE AMERICANS WE LOST EVEN THOUGH WE WON.THEN, THEY WILL WANT TO PULL OUT.

I'm very angry with the Bush Administration for not adequately getting the truth out.

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