Monday, November 13, 2006


In a recent report by WorldNetDaily, we find out that mainstream Jewish organizations in the US have refused aid to Jews expelled from their homes in Gaza:
JERUSALEM – Mainstream American Jewish groups largely have refused to aid the thousands of Jews evacuated last summer from the Gaza Strip, the majority of whom, fifteen months later, are unemployed, and none of whom received permanent housing promised by the Israeli government, WND has learned.

The former Gaza residents have appealed for help multiple times to major Jewish organizations in the U.S. but say they were mostly rejected.

Meanwhile, the U.S. groups, most of which supported Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, raised over $300 million for northern Israeli communities battered by Hezbollah rocket fire in July and August, including large sums of money for Arab villages. Also, the American organizations recently initiated a major task force to raise money for underprivileged Israeli Arabs.
But wait! What's the point in taking money from so-called support groups that refuse aid to people who've been discriminated against in favor of terrorists?
"With few exceptions, we have received almost no help from the mainstream Jewish American groups, which grant billions of dollars per year," said Dror Vanunu, a former Gaza resident and the international coordinator for Friends of Gush Katif, a major nonprofit organization representing the Gaza Jewish refugees.

Vanunu said the U.S. Jewish groups "supported the Gaza withdrawal, telling Americans it would help bring peace. They see us in a political light, but it shouldn't be this way. There are now thousands of Jews who are without permanent homes and whose children are having major problems.

"We are a humanitarian case, not political. Where is the Jewish brotherhood? The people who say they will not allow Jews to be in need? We are expecting them to become deeply involved in the restoration of our lives and hope they respond," Vanunu said.

Refugees 'in desperate need'

In August, Israel evacuated its nearly 10,000 Jewish citizens from Gaza. Successive Israeli governments over the years had urged thousands of Israelis to move to Gaza and build communities there. Israel promised the expelled residents compensation packages and new permanent housing, employment, farm land and institutions of education.

A status report by Friends of Gush Katif found not a single Gush Katif family was provided permanent housing.

Ninety-eight percent of former Gush Katif residents are living in temporary structures, mostly in the Israeli Negev desert in small, government-built, prefabricated "trailer villas." Residents there live largely in crowded conditions – in many cases lacking enough bedroom space to accommodate their families.
If so-called Jewish organizations are going to support "peace processes" built on lies, then I think that's why anyone with sense would be strongly advised to stay away from them. As I can tell, some of these are left-wing movements, which could explain a thing or two.

Anyone who understands the seriousness of the subject can go to Vanunnu's website and look for info on how to help. (In semi-related news, see also this topic from Esser Agaroth about the concern of bus lines stopping in Judea/Samaria.)


  1. i think we US Jews could do more, but I think PHONY is wrong and over the top jargon.

    challenge us to do more instead of insulting us.

  2. Point taken. Sorry if I thought of the wrong headline.

  3. cool. keep fightin' baby!
