Thursday, November 16, 2006


And so should Nicholas Sarkozy for helping him win an acquittal. Rene Dahan, a businessman who acted in self-defense and was arrested for it, got some help from Sarkozy when the latter intervened to get him released from jail and the charges dropped. From these two articles from Le Figaro (via Gallia Watch and the Jawa Report):

On October 27, at 9:00 A.M. René Dahan, a businessman from Nogent-sur-Marne, was attacked by three hooded criminals as he was getting ready to leave his home. Threatened with a magnum 357, he was struck on the head before managing to wrest the weapon from one of the intruders, who was attempting to strangle him, while his companions were tying up Mrs. Dahan. After firing one bullet that hit the ceiling, Dahan fired three more times, hitting the burglar who stumbled and fell out the window. He died shortly thereafter.

René Dahan was arrested for voluntary homicide and placed in the detention center at Fleury-Mérogis. Dahan's lawyer, Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard said he was "stunned. He's just an average citizen who suddenly finds himself behind bars." Dahan's brother Jean exclaimed: "Are you guilty for defending yourself? When you are the victim the only right you have is to die."

Now it appears that Nicolas Sarkozy has intervened to have Dahan released from prison. Chantal Dahan, the victim's wife, made the following statement: "It's the end of a nightmare that began with that terrible attack. My husband reacted heroically, legitimately defending himself. In this situation, we understand why there is an inquiry, but I am shocked that the judge ordered René's incarceration."

Pascal Clement, the Minister of Justice (known as the Keeper of the Seals), indicated that the "deeds attributed to René Dahan do not seem to conform to the notion of self-defense."

Be careful of Clement. He's clearly a very bad moonbat whose only idea of how to deal with violent criminals is to let them murder you. See also at No-Pasaran.

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