Monday, November 27, 2006


I blogged HERE that the French Left and the Socialist Party was anti-Semitic, and that this would help Segolene Royal win the socialist nomination.

I have argued for a long time that Jospin's loss in the last election was caused by the splintering of the Left caused by critical comments he made about Hizballah (while in Israel) - and support he expressed for Israel. And I argued that Royal would defeat here two rivals in part because they were both Jewish. NOW COMES THIS, (from the left-wing Israeli daily HAARETZ) :
... the heads of the French Jewish umbrella organization, CRIF, invited Segolene Royal to appear before members of the organization. An appearance before the organization has to this day been considered an event that must not be missed ...

Nearly five months have elapsed since the first invitation was sent, but she still has not come. ... "This is unprecedented," an Israeli diplomat who is serving in France admitted. "That's right," agreed CRIF director Chaim Musikant. "All the French leaders apart from Royal have already appeared before us. We have offered her whatever setting she would like, but to my regret, until now, we haven't heard from her."
Royal, apparerently, isn't about to make the same mistake that Jospin made. But now, French Jews seem to have taken notice:
"Sarkozy is the natural candidate of Jewish voters," Deputy Interior Minister Christian Estrozi told Haaretz. Most of the Jews, or so it appears at this time, are likely to vote for the candidate of the right.

There are several reasons for this: Sarkozy's Jewish roots, the fact that he is considered a friend of Israel and the fact that he appears to be the only politician in the French leadership who has evinced sensitivity to French Jewry's distress. He has gone to every place where Jews have been attacked, and at every opportunity, he has condemned and attacked and threatened and asserted that any harm to Jews is tantamount to harming the heart of the Republic. "He has honestly earned the Jewish vote," said a Jewish doctor this week, who revealed that for the first time in his life, he is planning to defect from the Socialist camp. "And it's not just me, but also most of my Jewish friends."
France will be making an important choice in their next election: choosing either to revert to the failed policies of socialism and to appeasement of jihad, or ... Sarkozy. The future of Europe may depend on what France decides. I'm praying for Sarkozy.


  1. .......the art of peace is medicine for a sick world.......morihei ueshiba.

  2. Sarkozy is definitely pro-Israel, but saying that Royal would bring about "appeasement of jihad" is irresponsible and contrary to fact. For example, she has been very harsh in her criticizm of Iran's nuclear weapons program, is that appeasement?
    French Election 2007
