Sunday, November 19, 2006


He wants to do this in the hope that if all young people were subject to miltary service that more would oppose any military response anywhere, anytime. IOW: he's doing this as a way to emasculate the military, and to make it more difficult to summon the political will and public support to use the military. He's doing this despite the fact that the Pentagon continues to meet all of its recruiting goals and has no need for draftees, nor does it have any desire tobe forced to train hundreds of thousands of folks who're only in uniform under duress, and who most certainly would not seek to serve more than merely 2 years!

Of course; he's not saying these are his reasons. Rangel claims to want the draft so the USA can have more troops to fight Iran and North Korea. BULLSH*T. If he merely wanted more troops, then he'd merely propose to increase the recruiting goals of the Pentagon!

This is a dastardly and dangerous attack on our nation's ability to mount a credible national defense. Rangel might as well propose we surrender to China and North Korea and Iran and Binladen. Doing this proves that Rangel is pure Leftist, dove scum, a traitorous and disgusting piece of appeasing pacifist sh*t. And a freakin' LIAR. (Gateway has more - he always does!) MORE HERE, TOO.

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