Thursday, November 02, 2006


As reported today in an Associated Press story by John Solomon, Jean-Francois Kerry's most recent salvo against American soldiers is simply an echo of opinions that he has held and expressed for decades. During his 1972 run for Congress, Kerry said:
"I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown," Kerry wrote. "We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job.'"
Kerry's apology yesterday is obviously insincere and false. He never intended to lampoon President Bush, he was obviously counseling college students to stay in school and mocking those of their contemporaries who have chosen to serve their Country. As the incomparable Mark Steyn put it at the Corner,
If you talk to Democrats of the middle-class and upper-middle-class and (in John Heinz Kerry’s case) the neo-Gulf-emir-class, you’ll have heard the same thing a thousand times: these poor fellows in Iraq, they’re only there because they’re too poverty-stricken and ill-educated so they couldn’t become Senators and New York Times reporters and tenured Queer Studies professors like normal Americans do. That is, in fact, what they mean by the claim that they “support our troops”: they want to bring them home and retrain them so they’re not forced into taking jobs as Bush’s torturers and thugs.
Kerry's gaffe was a Freudian slip that revealed his true feelings. He has decided to "cut and run" from the campaign trail, in the hope that we will forget all about him. Let's hope that the voters remember that before putting the Defeatocrats in power.

1 comment:

  1. I do not accept his pathetic apology. He should resign with haste from politics, and not continue to confound people with that awful smut of his.
