Sunday, November 26, 2006

Japan Freezes $10 Billion Loan To Iran

While Bush and Blair mull over asking Iran to help us out in Iraq, Japan is actually behaving in a sane manner and prepping for sanctions and possible war:
Tehran, 23 Nov. (AKI) - The Japanese government, apparently convinced that international sanctions against Iran are imminent, is gradually disinvesting there. Having already relinquished control of Iran's Azagedan oilfield project, Tokyo has frozen a 10 billion dollar loan that Japan Bank for International Cooperation was due to transfer to the Iranian government in the next few days. The bank's director general has stated that "only in the event that negotiations on Iran's nuclear programme lead to an agreement that is acceptable to the international community, can these 10 billion dollars be released."
This is a very positive development. I hold no hope that sanctions will work against Iran. However, I do think sanctions might drive Iran to do something stupid, like attack Israel, or a Western nation. Because I think war with Iran is inevitable, I welcome any provocation.

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