Thursday, November 02, 2006


During the Civil Rights era, Federal Marshals were employed to ensure voting rights.

From breaking news reports today, some might suspect that the Administration is using Federal Marshals and local police to suppress likely Democratic voters.

Reliapundit adds: I would toss in a "Heh" at the end of your post except for the fact that - as your links prove - the Dems really do see felons as their constituency!

Perhaps it's a natural alliance; after all, many leading Dems have records which verge on the criminal: Teddy Jo Chappaquidick; Alcee "impeached judge" Hastings; BJ "the perjurer" Clinton; Hillary "frozen pork belly futures" Clinton; Stubbs and his page; Barney Frank and his male hooker roomate; and so on. Too bad that Dem crooks almost NEVER get any ink. WHY IS THAT?! MORE ON WHY HERE, (including interesting info on Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi)

UPDATE: NEWS OF A HUGE NEW DEM VOTER FRAUD SCANDAL HERE, from GATEWAY, and a commenter there linked to this: "ACORN" - the group running this voter fraud rring in MO, IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR DOING THIS NATIONALLY!

These efforts - to get felons the vote, and to load up the voter rolls with dead people and phoney names - are part of a national Democrat Party effort to STEAL ELECTIONS WHICH THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T OTHERWISE WIN! In order to win, the Democrat Party knows it has to pretend they are a party of centrists and moderates and ALSO employ MASSIVE voter fraud. What scum.

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