Sunday, November 12, 2006


Send me a jpeg of your photo-shops! After all, Nancy should start thinking about that, because if her policies are passed, that's where we're all headed.

And I must ask: what does it say about her that she is MORE loyal to the platform of her party - (on things like abortion, gay marriage, and appeasement of jihad) - than the teachings of her church?

She certainly is representative of her district: it was the only one in all of CA NOT to pass Jessica's Law, and it leads the nations in sex trafficking crimes. This is the district that KNOWS & LOVES her bettere than everyone else. As Speaker, though. it is likely we will ALL get to know her just as well. I pray the nation rejects her and her post modern Leftism.

BTW: Pelosi LEADS the CA delegation in receiving FEDERAL PORK. Since the MSM won't cover this, it's up to us. GET CRACKING!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO. A great topic of discussion. I now wish I was atleast mediocre at Photoshop.
