Sunday, November 12, 2006


Energy independence demands that we drill for oil in the USA. The USA includes the Gulf. And Alaska. The Canadians drill right next to ANWR with NO deleterious effects. And the Gulf is a much EASIER place to drill for oil than ther North Sea - where the UK and Norway get MOST of their oil from, safely and cleanly.

And yet, the Democrats OPPOSE new drilling in the Gulf and Alaska. I guess they feel that we Americans can't drill for oil as cleanly as Canadians, Brits and the Norse. That's why many think the Dems will repeal the opening of the Gulf for oil-exploration.

I think we conesrvatives ought to go to the mats on this issue. Katrina PROVED that Gulf oil platforms are SAFE. The time for America's ENERGY INDEPENDENCE fight is NOW. America's ENERGY INDEPENDENCE should be a MAJOR PART OF THE GOP PLATFORM, AND THE GOP ATTACK ON THE LEFTISTS IN CONGRESS.

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