Friday, November 17, 2006


On Brit Hume's Special Report, Fred Barnes had this to say about the Democrats' vote to elect Steny Hoyer as minority leader now, and majority leader for the next Congress:

FRED BARNES: On the Murtha thing, this was a win for Nancy Pelosi. . . . Just think if Murtha had won, and was actually the majority leader. Then, she would be in trouble. You know, Brit, as I said a couple nights ago, I thought the media was going to give Murtha a pass. Boy, was I wrong on that. The media has not done that at all, has brought up all the old, and some new, ethical charges against him, even more than the ones Charles mentioned. And, if Murtha were there as majority leader, this would be a continuing story day after day after day. And the whole leadership of the Democrats in the House would be bleeding.

You heard it here first. (Hat tip: The Corner.)

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