Sunday, November 26, 2006


The Olmert government is already reaping the whirlwind. Hard on the heels of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, according to Amy Teibel and Ibrahim Barzak of the Associated Press, are volleys of anti-personnel rockets fired into what the Palistanian terrorists consider a free fire zone:

Israeli troops withdrew from the Gaza Strip as a last-minute cease-fire deal took hold Sunday morning, but two major Palestinian militant groups, saying they had no intention of stopping their attacks, fired volleys of homemade rockets into Israel. The ongoing rocket attacks by Hamas and Islamic Jihad tempered hopes for a lasting truce, which was meant to end five months of deadly clashes. The rockets landed in open fields and caused no injuries.

Olmert's response:
"Even though there are still violations of the cease-fire by the Palestinian side, I have instructed our defense officials not to respond, to show restraint, and to give this cease-fire a chance to take full effect," he said during a ceremony at a high school in southern Israel.

This is all part of the game. Fund, equip, and arm semi-autonomous groups whose actions you can disavow. Ask for a "Hudna' and then continue the war.


  1. Of course, the cease-fire was nothing more than a hudna on the part of the Pseudostinians. Anybody with even a modicum of knowledge about Islam knows that.

  2. which means olmert is stupid.
    or willing to sacrifice more iraelis for the sake of better PR with the EU and UN.
    maybe this had something to do with cheney's cisit with the Saudi king?
    maybe it's linke tossing him a bone?

    still: DUMB!

    peace through victory; victory through defeating the enemy, not negotiating.

  3. Dear AOW,

    You are surely correct:

    "Anybody with even a modicum of knowledge about Islam knows that."

    So why do you think native-born Israelis, who have fought against the jihad for over 50 years, continue to be played for fools by the terrorists?

    Part of it comes from the ignorant and romanticized idealized view of Muslim Spain that European Jews were taught to believe by the first generations of secular Jewish historians. But you'd think that 50 years of experience with lying, murdering thugs would serve as a wake-up call, no?

  4. Punditarian,
    If the propaganda is drummed in at a young age, the subjects' brains are rewired so as to ignore reality. At least, that's my opinion.

  5. i was raised by card carrying commies.

    but the fall of the wall, and the gulf war and then the oslo accord collapse opened my eyes.

    meaning: IT IS POSSIBLE.

    that's one of this blogs main goals: to provide the ammo to deprogram lefties.
