Thursday, November 30, 2006


Detectives have discovered when the former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko came into contact with the radioactive material that was to kill him. After retracing the route taken by Mr Litvinenko on the day he fell ill, anti-terrorist officers believe the ex-KGB agent was poisoned in or very close to the sushi bar in central London that he visited to meet an Italian contact on 1 November.

... Scotland Yard pinpointed the sushi bar when they traced Mr Litvinenko's movements after he left his home in Muswell Hill, north London. By using information from his mobile phone records, Oyster travel card and CCTV footage, detectives plotted his route to Piccadilly Tube station. Locations where he stopped along the way were tested for radiation contamination, but all proved negative.

... In a further development it was disclosed that extremely low-level radioactive contamination has been discovered in nine buildings, two British Airways planes which flew to Moscow [umph added], and a car used to take Mr Litvinenko to hospital. A third BA aircraft is being examined in Moscow.

As part of the inquiry detectives are testing aircraft used by several people that met Mr Litvinenko on 1 November to discover if any of them brought in radioactive material, or left Britain contaminated.

Three Russian businessmen, employees of a security company in Moscow, who met Mr Litvinenko at a hotel after he had been to the sushi bar had yesterday gone to ground. It is not clear if they were in hiding, or were being questioned by the Russian authorities.

One of the men, former FSB bodyguard Andrei Lugovoy who had known Mr Litvinenko for 10 years, was in charge of security for the former Russian prime minister, Yegor Gaidar [umph added], who was last night being treated for suspected poisoning after falling ill in Dublin.
It seems to me that Lugovoy is probably a double-agent actually working for Putin. And it seems to me that Putin agents used polonium to make sure the murder sent a powerful messaage to all former agents and would be foes. And I find it fascinating that Gaidar retuned to Moscow for treatment, instead of going to London or Paris or NY or anywhere else. Perhaps he actually returned for a secret antidote - given to him only after Putin's agents extracted a secret or a promise.

[NOTE: Here're a few reasons why I put a jpeg of Machiavelli next to that weird one of Putin kissing a boy's stomach (quotes from The Prince):
"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared. ... Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved. ... Politics have no relation to morals. ... The new ruler must determine all the injuries that he will need to inflict. He must inflict them once and for all."]
Putin is a Prince.

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