Tuesday, November 28, 2006


According to a November 28, 2006 article in the Washington Times, firing illegal immigrants is discriminatory:
A Mississippi Democrat in line to become chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee has warned the nation's largest uniform supplier it faces criminal charges if it follows a White House proposal to recheck workers with mismatched Social Security numbers and fire those who cannot resolve the discrepancy in 60 days.

Rep. Bennie Thompson said in a letter to Cintas Corp. it could be charged with "illegal activities in violation of state and federal law" if any of its 32,000 employees are terminated because they gave incorrect Social Security numbers to be hired.

"I am deeply troubled by Cintas' recent policy change regarding the Social Security Administration's 'no match' letters," Mr. Thompson said in the Nov. 2 letter. "It is my understanding that hundreds of Cintas' immigrant workers have received these letters. I am extremely concerned about any potentially discriminatory actions targeting this community."...
Complying with immigration laws and regulations is discrimination?

[Hat-tip to Raven for calling my attention to the above article in the Washington Times]


  1. Thanks for adjusting my title. I was still on my first cup of coffee.

  2. Our world is so messed up, I can't believe it. Everyday, it friggin' amazes me to see the news.

    I gotta take up fishing or something. My fellow human beings are making me feel like I live in a fucking Dali painting.

  3. Pastorius,
    I gotta take up fishing or something. My fellow human beings are making me feel like I live in a fucking Dali painting.

    I with you on both of those. But fishing allows for musing, and lately I find myself cringing when I think too much about what's happening to our nation--and to the world.
