Friday, November 10, 2006


On January 8th of 2003, Congressman Charles Rangel [D-NY] began an extensive campaign to bring back the military draft. He repeatedly submitted legislative bills to begin a military draft and compel all American men and women up to the age of forty-two to serve two years of military service. Under the Republican-controlled Congress, such bills went down to defeat.

One of the few notable supporters of the draft was Congressman John Murtha [D-PA]. Congressman Murtha reportedly is preparing to campaign to take over the highly influential position of House Majority Leader. Congressman Rangel is set to take over the House Ways and Means Committee. Two proponents of a military draft will most likely take over two key leadership positions in the new Democrat-contolled House. Surely they were not lying to America when they proposed a draft? They would not make such a serious proposal for a mere political cheap shot, would they?
Likewise, much of the more reasonable criticism of Donald Rumsfeld was of the "we need more troops in Iraq" variety. Such criticism often came from traditional military men who disagree with Rumsfeld "leave a light footprint" strategy.

However, many dems, such as John Kerry and Hilary Clinton, to name just two, have clung on to that criticism over the past couple of years. If they weren't proposing a draft as a scummy political ploy, then we should now expect to see them propose and pass both a draft and more a bill to send more troops in Iraq. If they don't propose a draft now, then they are admitting they are scum who played politics with our troops during war-time in a bald-faced attempt to scare young voters into voting Democrat. Which would prove once again, that THEY HAVE NO SHAME.

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