Thursday, November 30, 2006


OOPS. ANCIENT JAWS. Sorry. Nevermind. Heh. I guess they can't blame the Jews for this one. NOR THIS:
An Ethiopian military convoy in Somalia has been ambushed by fighters loyal to the powerful Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), witnesses said on Thursday. It happened on Tuesday 35km south-west of Baidoa, seat of the weak interim government, who deny it took place. Eyewitness said a truck was blown up and there was an exchange of fire. The UIC claim about 20 Ethiopians died.
Neither anicent jooooze, or the "GREAT SATAN", or Bush can be blamed for this jihadist violence. Not here. Not in Thailand either - where nearly 2000 have been murdered by islamisis since 2004, and wher the killing continues despite offers of detente and appeasement from the junta.

SO HOW WILL WE STOP IT?! Hmmm... how 'bout we send James Baker and Jimmy Carter to engage in dialog with the enemy. That'll do it. Yeah. Sure. Heh.

(Which reminds me: I LOVE how the Left simultaneoulsy believes we DESERVED 9/11 and it was an inside job, and we can dialog with an enemy which would perp such an act. THE LEFT IS SO SO SO SO SO EFFED UP!!)

1 comment:

  1. there is no conspiracy nor mentioned in this post.

    and the anti-semitism of the BBC is fully an internal study.

    so fuck off mccoy: you are a bore.
