Monday, November 20, 2006


The so-called Middle East is actually the very heart and soul of the West - the rightful indigenous culture there. Many in the West wrongly believe that Judeo-Christian civilization is an invader in the Middle East (because that's the propaganda which the Left-wing post modern academy has been force-feeding them).

Jews have lived throughout the Middle East continuously for 3000 years, and Chistians too - that is until the 20th century.

Please read this short article on the history of Islamic hegemony. It will demonstrate two things: that Islam is hegemonic and that it has always used warfare to expand its realm. EXCERPT:
One of the alleged sins held against the West by Islamic radicalism – which has declared war on us through Osama bin Laden’s fatwa issued in 1998 in London – is imperialism: the imperialism of the Dutch, the British and the French from the 17th to the 20th centuries. (For some reason, Russian imperialism in Central Asia gets a pass – so far.) Israel is allegedly an outpost of European imperialism.

The original western imperial enterprise in the radical Islamic narrative was the Crusades. The First Crusade began in 1095. The Crusades were undertaken to reclaim [umph added] the Holy Land for Christendom. Reclaim it from whom? From the Muslims.

... And now we find ourselves confronted by a third Muslim attack on the West – a third “invasion of Europe” (if “Europe” is expanded to mean culture as well as geography, and includes North America) by an expansionary Muslim philosophy – by Islamic radicalism. The first Muslim attack was from the West in the 700’s; the second was from the East in the 1400’s – 1600’s; the third began with the defeat of the Soviet Union in 1988 in Afghanistan and its subsequent collapse and is in the form of mass immigration.

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