Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Most of the violence in Iraq is in Anbar and Baghdad. I think the violence in Baghdad is organized and retributory and as old as Islam itself; FACT: Shias and Sunnis have been killing each other since their prophet died. And it's a FACT that al Qaeda deliberately blew up the Golden Mosque in order to ignite this strife and inflame this old schism. Intercepted al Qaeda communiques prove this.

And I ask: SHOULD WE CARE? After all, the worst elements in Iraq are mostly killing each other, and in a way, this is what a Richard Price character described as a "self-cleaning oven." (Price's character was describing a crime-ridden city in New Jersey. Others have used the term to desribe how AIDS was killing all the criminal intravemous drug addicts in the Bronx some years ago.)

But sadly, in Iraq many innocent people are being killed too. And so too may die the nascent democracy in Iraq - which was, after all, the goal of al Qaeda when they ignited this violence. Which proves that stifling the sectarian strife is merely one battle, one campaign in the global war against jihadism. A war which will last generations. These are the only reasons we must care.

The solution rests with us and the Iraqis: in how well and how soon the Iraqis clamp down; and in how we deal with Syria and Iran - who are stoking the flames in Iraq in order to prevent us from dealing with their misdeeds and their hegemony.

The Iraqis will have a better chance if we help them, so we must stay and fight. But ultimately, we must CONFRONT Iran, who also backs both Syria and Hizballah. These three together are seeking to do to regionally - in Lebanon and Israel (and soon again in Jordan and Egypt) - what they are trying to do in Iraq.

There is no more critical battle in this war. Nor any more critical moment. We mustn't blink. We must keep fighting. The only way we can lose the war is if we lose our resolve. The enemy is counting on the Left and the MSM to demoralize us and cause us to lose resolve. So, in addition to confronting the jihadists in Tehran, we must confront the Left and the MSM at home. Confront them and defeat them. As I've been saying for a long time: To defeat the jihadist enemy abroad we must defeat the Leftists at home.


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