Tuesday, November 14, 2006


According to this story in today's Daily Telegraph:

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has accused the BBC of bias against Christianity and says the broadcaster fears a terrorist backlash if it is critical of Islam.

The archbishop, the second most senior figure in the Church of England's hierarchy, said Christians took "more knocks" than other faiths at the hands of the BBC.

"They can do to us what they dare not do to the Muslims," he said. "We are fair game because they can get away with it. We don't go down there and say, 'We are going to bomb your place.' That is not in our nature."

Read the whole thing. Reliapundit adds: He is saying - implicitly - that responding to insults with violence IS the nature of Islam. And I agree. I think his comments fall short in one aspect: It's not merely fearlessness which motivates the BBC and their comrades on the Left; their attacks on Christianity are fuled by a central and fervently held core belief of post modern Leftism: the belief that Judeo-Christianity and the West are evil. This is one reason they are natural allies of the enemy and a Fifth Column. (Another is their mutually held belief in the superiority of statism and elitism over individualism and the free market.)

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