Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The biggest financial supporters of the Democrat Party nationwide are the personal liability litigating lawyers. They have fine-tuned the legal system to provide a constant stream of cash, and the devil take the hindmost.

Here's another example (hat tip: Matt Drudge) of how lawyers are destroying America: the situation across the country is so bad, that police officers are now more afraid of being sued than they are of being killed in the line of duty. As Insight reports:

U.S. law enforcement agencies are struggling with the threat of lawsuits regarding the conduct of officers. Officials said the threat has become so acute that many officers would rather die than be sued. They said this has seriously hurt law enforcement and endangered the lives of officers. "Some officers today are more afraid of being sued than being murdered," Olympia Fields, Ill. Police Chief Jeff Chudwin said.

Police officers across the country are placing their own safety at risk -- and placing the safety of honest, law-abiding citizens at risk -- because they are afraid of the way criminals' lawyers may sue them. (Read The Whole Appalling Thing.)

The net result is that the areas of the country where these lawsuits proliferate become more dangerous, less civilized, and less liveable. Yet another example of the Gramscian strategy of the hard left.

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