Friday, October 27, 2006


I mentioned on my website yesterday that the Senate race in Maryland between Democrat Ben Cardin and Republican Michael Steele could be the whole election. The race is basically tied in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-to-1. Steele has put up with Chuck Schumer's staff digging into his credit history, having oreo cookies thrown at him and all the other slings and arrows that come with being a black Republican. Now we're 12 days away from the election and people are starting to pay attention. Steele has looked impressive in the debates and stood up to Cardin and Michael J. Fox on the issue of stem-cell research.

The national GOP needs to kick it into gear and start knocking on some doors, holding some rallies and doing whatever they can to boost Steele in this race. If he is able to pull this one out, it'll be a GOP pickup in the Senate and make a Democratic takeover near impossible. The tide is turning, folks. [UPDATE: Power Line agrees with The Popinjay - and has news from a major election analyst to back it up.]

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