Thursday, October 19, 2006


There has always been something flawed in the 'Palestinian' narrative. To put the end of the story first, the flaw is that the entire 'Palestinian' narrative has been invented by the Arab-Islamist world, with the complicity of most of the West, in order to maintain the hope of one day destroying the Jewish state and either replacing it with an Arab state or incorporating Israel into Syria and/or Jordan. The reason for this is to avenge the Arab-Islamist 'honor' and pride that were lost in the 1948 War of Independence (which they call the Naqba - tragedy), and because the Arab world will not tolerate one small, democratic country of Jews infidels in their midst.

The truth is that there are no 'Palestinian people' and that there is no such country or territory as 'Palestine.' The 'Palestinians' are a fiction that was created by the Arabs to oppose Zionism.

In order to maintain the fiction that there is a 'Palestinian' people who exist to lay claim to the land of Israel, it is necessary to keep Arabs who claim to have roots in 'Palestine' - and their progeny - imprisoned in refugee camps. Nearly sixty years after the War of Independence ended, the 'refugees' continue to multiply, languishing in 'camps' maintained by a corrupt United Nations-sponsored bureaucracy, that costs nearly half a billion dollars per year (aside from other international aid given to the 'Palestinians').

What I'm about to present to you is not the first smoking gun that will prove to you that everything I said above is true. It's at least the second. The first smoking gun I know of was a statement made to a Dutch newspaper in March 1977 by Zuhair Mohsen, then a leader of one of the PLO factions. In an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw, Mr. Mohsen explained the origin of the 'Palestinians.'

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