Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Russia Says Iran's Nukes Are Peaceful

George Bush named Iran as a member of the Axis of Evil. Iran has confirmed their malevolence by calling for Israel to be wiped off the map. And, now Russia has clearly chosen sides in the war:
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Tuesday it believed Iran's nuclear program was peaceful, and a political dialogue, not sanctions, must be used in talks with Tehran. "We do not have information that would suggest that Iran is carrying out a non-peaceful (nuclear) program," Russian Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov told a news conference in Moscow.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation on Monday that talks over Iran's nuclear dispute were being hindered because the European side did not have enough authority.

"The most important problem in continuing Iran and Europe's negotiations (over the nuclear issue) is the European side's lack of enough authority (to take decisions)," an Iranian television report quoted Ahmadinejad as telling Putin.

In a statement on Monday, the Kremlin said Putin had told the Iranian leader that Moscow favored further talks. European states have prepared a draft sanctions resolution but Russia has voiced misgivings. "Sanctions should not be adopted for their own sake," Ivanov said.
Russia believes it can play Iran against the United States. That will work. If we do not take care of the Iranian threat, it will weaken our position in the world. However, just as appeasers hope the crocodile will not eat them, so it is true for Russia. Iran will come back to bite them in the ass, you can be sure of it.

Isn't it interesting that Russia is playing their hand in the exact same way as they did in the leadup to WWII? Remember what happened to them then? Ahmadinejad will turn on Russia just like Hitler did.


  1. Iran confirmed no such thing. Ahmadinejad didn't even confirm such a thing. Nope. Russia hasn't chosen sides in the war. Not in the context of his position on Iran's nuclear program. Putin isn't thinking about regional issues from the viewpoint of American paranoids. He is thinking about them from the point of view of economics and regional - indeed world - stability. Iran is not a threat. This is obvious. It is palpable. The U.S. is the threat. This is beyond obvious. Much of the ass biting going on in the world is thanks to America's chompers. America is the former friend turned destroyer to Iraq and Iran. America does the ass biting in the world. Pick a continent. You are sure to find America has bitten an ass or two. Russia unfortunately for you, is playing the smart, stable, national self-interest hand. Unlike America's leadership: They are not serving their nation, not being smart and increasing world wide instability.

    Threatening Iran will only drive America further into the ground than it already is. Although, this may come as a surprise to many at this point, this whole fiasco will weigh down on America's soul for decades.

  2. will;
    thanks for commentiong - and exposing the insanity of the left:

    you wrote: russia hasn;t chjosen sides in relation to iran's nuke program.

    WHAHHHHH!?!?! they are building it.

    and they are selling iran anti-aircraft missiles so they can protect them. this is choosing sides.

    you wrote:

    iran is not a threat. tell that to lebabnon and egypt and jordan. they agree with the usa and israel that iranian hegemony is a very real and very dangerous force in the middle east. remember: iranians are NOT arabs.

    you wrote:

    the us is a theat.

    sure: to anti-libertarian baathists and mullahs who routinely disenfrancisement women and non-muslims and have scores more politcal prisoners inthei prisons and forbid free speech and freedpm to assembly, etc.

    you are anti-american - one who sees russia's self-serving policies as noble but the usa's ssacrifices as evil.

    this is totally twisted.

    you are a dupe of the left, at best - one who has swallowed, hook-line-and-sinker, the left's lies about usa hegemomny/.empoire.

    some friggin' empire: we txed ourselves and spilled OUR blood to defend europe from the marxist tyrants, allowing them to build HUGE welfare states with what we saved them. if we were a real empire and hegemony we wopuld have taxed them, atthe very least.

    wake up.

    or sopn;t.

    and PLEASe keep posting comments here.

    nothing better exposes the insanity of leftism then the words and false charges of leftists. like you and kerry.
