Monday, October 23, 2006


If your media hasn't already buried this story you should know that the Paris Intifada is still smoldering. I doubt these activities are spontaneous expressions of discontent a la mauvaise de pauvre arab. This is a tiny skirmish in the millennial-war which began in Iran and may not see its end in our lifetimes. (More on the Paris Intifada HERE.)

First, the islamofacists see that much of Europe will not aid American efforts to democratize the Middle East. Second, they know that Europe - especially the French - barely defended themselves the last time their democracies were threatened in WW2!

What makes it more threatening are these two facts: (1) the enemies of freedom are patient; their timeline is not marked by mid-year elections. And (2), these enemies are also willing to suffer greater casualties while attempting to inflict their hideous ideology on others than the West seems to be willing to accept in defense of its own civilization. In other words, Bush's well-meaning policies are failing - not because casualties are too high - but because they are too low. The insurgents in Iraq and the Taleban have Rope-A-Doped the West and are now threatening their counter-attack. Bush and Blair seem exhausted by the onslaught of the media and their constant negativity and defeatism. Which leads me to ask: How will the West respond to the enemy's October Surprise? We shall see...


  1. Nothing in the WaPo about what's happening in Paris. Well, I'm not surprised. The WaPo barely covered the earlier riots.

  2. The French Police have stated that they are now fighting against a "Permanent Intifada."

    I have an extensive post on the situation here:

    Pamela, at Atlas Shrugs, also has an important report here:
