Sunday, October 22, 2006


Three weeks ago, Rashid Khalidi, who holds the Edward Said chair in Arab studies at my alma mater, Columbia University, wrote an article in the Boston Globe in which he decried the history of the 'Palestinians' having "disappeared under the powerful impact of the painful and amply recounted story of the catastrophic fate of the Jews of Europe in the 20th century." In other words, according to Khalidi, the fact that there is no 'Palestinian' history is the Jews' fault. At The American Thinker, Rachel Neuwirth has a more plausible explanation... Continue reading...

[ASIDE: Reliapundit adds: "Palestine" was liberated - in 1948 when Jews won their independence! Ever since, Arabs have been trying to obliterate the only pluralistic democracy in the entire Middle East - Israel. When Arabs say "liberation" they actually mean genocide of Jews and Islamic totalitarianism. If you support genocide of Jews and totalitarianism then you should support Arabs who oppose Israel.]


  1. watch out for the religion of peace (of crap)
    if any of you guys have some time, feel free to check out my blog as well...

  2. Before 1967, the word "Palestinian" was generally used in the West to refer to the Jewish inhabitants of the land of Israel. The UN resolution of 1947 called for two states in Mandatory Palestine (i.e. the British Mandate inherited from the Ottoman Empire) -- a Jewish State and an Arab State. The term "Palestinian State" was not used. Whether or not the tribes, clans, and immigrants who make up the Arab population of Gazan and Judea & Samaria can become a nation remains to be seen; from the news, it seems that the "Palestinian State" has degenerated into civil war before it even became a state.
