Sunday, October 15, 2006


DEBKAfile is reporting that Iran, aided by Syria and its 'guest' Khaled Meshaal, has entered into military accords with Hamas that are designed to bring Hamas up to Hezbullah's military standards and to turn Gaza into a second front for Israel, on a par with Lebanon. Egypt's tacit consent will allow arms to be shipped through Egypt to Gaza. Meanwhile, Ehud Olmert, Amir Comrade Peretz and Tzippi Livni continue to play their fiddles....

Continue reading here.


  1. i think this was to be expected. hamas have been jihadoterror proxies of iran for awhile - since the EU and UN shunned them afetr they "won" the "free" election.

    (i put "won" and "fee" in quotations because any election in which a party is an armed group is not free. and no one who wins that kind of election can claim a real mandate.)

    this also proves - once agaion - that the shia-sunni divide ends where israel begins. and the USA begins. And the non-mulsim l;ands begin.

    CARL: i must tell you, though, that i do NOT trust a word - or even a syllable - that debka reports.

    and i would never cite them. not without a two ton a grain of salt.

  2. Relia,

    DEBKA is right more often than they are wrong. Yesterday, the head of military intelligence told the cabinet that Syria is smuggling weapons to Hezbullah (the first time they admitted it - I reported it based on DEBKA six weeks ago) and that the 'Palestinians' have anti-aircraft weapons in Gaza (which DEBKA reported three months ago, and which I reported from them).

    Yes, they sometimes post things that are far-fetched, and I have tried to avoid those. But given that we have a government with an interest in covering up reality in just about every theater, I am more inclined to believe the likes of DEBKA and WorldNetDaily (which gets picked up regularly by YNet). They're certainly no less reliable than most bloggers.
