Saturday, October 14, 2006


There are plenty of DEFEATISTS around these days (see here and here and here and HERE for a complete roundup).

DEFEATISTS who claim Israel was defeated by Hizballah; (only that ain't true). DEFEATISTS who claim that we are losing in Iraq and Afghanistan; (only that ain't true). DEFEATISTS who claim that our economy is headed for a crash because of the Bush tax cuts or because we're in a real estate bubble (and it's gonna pop), or because of the high cost of a gallon of gasoline; (only none of these are true).

And now, there are DEFEATISTS who claim that the GOP will be wiped out in November; (they cite polls which are biased and distorted). These DEFEATISTS are as wrong as the others. That's not wishful thinking; that's a fact.

By election day: (1) the DJIA will be over 12,000; (2) unemployment will remain at its current historically low level; (3) gasoline will be cheaper then than even now - and now it is cheap; (4) USA casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan will remain low and enemy casualties will remain high; (5) Iraqi civilian deaths and LOCAL MUSLIM SECTARIAN strife (something which has been common to Islam for about 1350 years, and which was recently re-ignited in Iraq by deliberate provocation of al Qaeda) will continue - though on a reduced level; and (6) the GOP will work hard to get out the vote, and the complacent defeatists on the Left will not.

That's why the Democrats should fare as well nationwide as "Lefty Lamont" will in Connecticutt.

But if you want higher taxes, slower growth, less free trade; and if you want less counter-attacking in the GWOT and more appeasing of the enemy; and if you want more kow-towing to the French and to the UN; and if you want no NSA intercept progam and no Patriot Act, and no fence between us and Mexico, and if you want the USA to be harder on Israel and softer on Hamas and Hizballah - THEN BY ALL MEANS, STAY HOME - OR VOTE DEMOCRAT! It's the same thing.

Amid widespread panic in the Republican establishment about the coming midterm elections, there are two people whose confidence about GOP prospects strikes even their closest allies as almost inexplicably upbeat: President Bush and his top political adviser, Karl Rove.

Some Republicans on Capitol Hill are bracing for losses of 25 House seats or more. But party operatives say Rove is predicting that, at worst, Republicans will lose only 8 to 10 seats -- shy of the 15-seat threshold that would cede control to Democrats for the first time since the 1994 elections and probably hobble the balance of Bush's second term.

In the Senate, Rove and associates believe, a Democratic victory would require the opposition to "run the table," as one official put it, to pick up the necessary six seats -- a prospect the White House seems to regard as nearly inconceivable. ... The official White House line of supreme self-assurance comes from the top down. Bush has publicly and privately banished any talk of losing the GOP majorities, in part to squelch any loss of nerve among his legions. Come January, he said last week, "We'll have a Republican speaker and a Republican leader of the Senate." ...

To Rove and the small cadre of operatives who have been at his side throughout the administration -- including Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman and White House political director Sara Taylor -- confidence flows from a conviction that a political operation that has produced three consecutive national victories is capable of one more, despite voter disaffection with Iraq and GOP scandals in Washington. Republican officials say the three closely coordinate strategy, with constant e-mails and a daily conference call. They see this familiarity -- in many respects it is the same team leading GOP strategy as in the past two elections -- as one advantage they have over Democrats, whose leaders on Capitol Hill and national party officials have been at odds on strategy.

So far, there have been few surprises in the Bush-Rove playbook, which seems little changed over the past four years. It includes tapping the powers of incumbency, mobilizing Christian conservatives and others in the GOP base, and seeking to polarize the electorate around national security and taxes. A huge effort to raise money by Bush, Vice President Cheney and first lady Laura Bush seems to be paying off: By Taylor's calculation, the various GOP campaigns and party committees will have a $55 million money advantage in the final three weeks of the campaign.

The RNC is also planning another big get-out-the-vote drive in the final three days before the elections. Rove believes that many of the polls in individual House and Senate races understate what he expects to be a GOP advantage in turnout, according to one party strategist who has heard him discuss the midterms.
And that's why WE WILL WIN! Now stop yer whining and help GOTV!

UPDATE #2: THE NYTIMES seems to agree with me and Rove:
Democrats Have Intensity, but G.O.P. Has Its Machine"
If there's a problem it's with GOP DEFEATISM - THE NYTIMES:
... the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, conducted Oct. 5-8, 46 percent of Democrats said they were more enthusiastic about voting this year than in previous Congressional elections, compared with 33 percent of Republicans.


  1. And now, there are DEFEATISTS who claim that the GOP will be wiped out in November...

    The propaganda war is on. I've seen this type of pre-election push before, particularly in local elections. Keep telling the voters that one side is going to win, and maybe the other side will change their votes or stay home.
