Friday, October 20, 2006

Diane Sawyer: Another Liberal Who Is Cool With Genocide

Diane Sawyer went over to North Korea and got the Potemkin Village tour:
Diane Sawyer wants you to know that the North Korean puppies are really cute too.

On Thursday's World News on ABC, Diane Sawyer checked in from North Korea, but she proved little more than a conveyor belt for the repressive communist regime's propaganda. Talking to a North Korean Army General, she relayed how “he said to us, 'make it clear to everyone in the United States, if there is another nuclear test, the person responsible is George Bush,' because he said, 'the Bush administration is backing North Korea into a corner with its pressures and its sanctions.'" Sawyer helpfully added that “the General said to us, he does want peace. And he also said, again, reiterated, North Korea will not be the first to use a nuclear weapon.” How reassuring.

In a second segment, Sawyer was taken to a school which she favorably described as “a world away from the unruly individualism of any American school." She gushed: “Ask them about their country, and they can't say enough." A teenage girl declared, in English: “We are the happiest children in the world.” Sawyer ended her piece with video of her and the class singing "Do-Re-Mi" from the Sound of Music. Far from being embarrassed by Sawyer's obsequious approach, anchor Charles Gibson proposed: "A fascinating glimpse of North Korea."
Yeah, isn't that friggin' fascinating? It's fascinating that Diane Sawyer doesn't acknowledge that Kim Jong Il is gassing his own people, you know, just like Adolf Hitler used to do:
In the remote north-eastern corner of North Korea, close to the border of Russia and China, is Haengyong. Hidden away in the mountains, this remote town is home to Camp 22 - North Korea's largest concentration camp, where thousands of men, women and children accused of political crimes are held. Now, it is claimed, it is also where thousands die each year and where prison guards stamp on the necks of babies born to prisoners to kill them.
Look, let's be honest, Diane Sawyer knows this. It is common knowledge. Diane Sawyer is just doing her part in the media's full court press against the Republicans here in these last weeks before the election. The truth is, she just hates George Bush more than she cares about the people Kim Jong Il is killing. Isn't that fascinating?

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