Saturday, October 28, 2006


Today on Fox News Channel, there was some discussion of the documentary Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West, recently released on DVD. The moderator of the discussion stated that CAIR had been invited to participate in the discussion, but had declined.

Now, why is that? One would think that such a discussion on cable news would be an excellent opportunity for CAIR (1) to debunk the film and (2) to issue a call for moderate Muslims to speak out against Islamic radicals.

A recently released twelve-minute version is available for online viewing HERE.

Better yet.
Buy the DVD and watch the entire documentary.


  1. Thanks for putting this up, AOW.

    CAIR can't argue in such a forum because they know that "Mr. Pimp" won't fly on national TV.

  2. Pastorius,
    I'd like to see "Mr. Pimp" spout off some taqiyya and then get slammed.

    Many Americans do not understand that their very way of life is in danger. They're too busy and caught up in mundane matters. I'm very fortunate in that I'm a privately-contracted teacher of homeschoolers. A few weeks ago, my World History class saw Obsession. Sure, I have a small class, but I'm counting on the ripple effect.
