Sunday, October 08, 2006


There's more to life than war, taxes and politics - and a lot of it's more fun, too! That's why every WEEKEND, here at THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, we post our opinions on some of the cultural things we're into, things we think you might also find entertaining, enriching, and stimulating. Good for "Rest & Relaxation" - "R&R".

Please check it out every week - and tell your friends. We just might turn you on to something cool. After all, the arts - ALL ARTS, not just fine arts - are a big part of what our liberty is for, and what we're fighting to defend!
PASTORIUS: I'll Follow You Into The Dark
Here's a chilling video by a band called Death Cab For Cutie. The song is called I'll Follow You Into The Dark, which is an expression of profound love in the face of death. The video has an existential dread reminiscent of the best of David Lynch. This is an example of the popular art form of the music video ascending into the realm of great art.

Reliapundit: DEXTER GORDON
I'm gonna listen to the soundtrack to ROUND MIDNIGHT. This was a great flick starring the late great DEXTER GORDON, one of my favorite musicians and a great GREAT saxOPHoniste - (that's how he said it). Here's a clip from the movie - playing AS TIME GOES BY; (yeah: that's Herbie Hancock on piano, and fabulous group of all-stars backing them up!)

(YEAH-YEAH: like last week, the movie takes place in Paris. Well, it's a city I love! That's why I'm so pissed they're slouching toward Eurabia, and why I'm rooting for Sarko!) SERIOUSLY: I had the great privilege of seeing Dexter perform several times in small clubs - in NYC and New Orleans. One word: WOW. Here's a video of him playing THOSE WERE THE DAYS. Check it out. LTD's bio HERE. (LTD = long tall Dexter - one of his nicknames!)
THE POPINJAY: Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent
The Secret Agent was one of the first novels to deal with the subject of terrorism. I've always wanted to read it and finally did this past month. Published in 1907, the story centers around a man named Adolph Verloc who works as a double agent for the Russian embassy in London. He poses as a shop owner who is an anarchist and then reports his findings to the Russians and the local British police. However, the Russians decide they want to push the envelope and have him bomb the Greenwich Observatory in order to create public outrage against anarchists. Verloc is soon in over his head and tragedy is not far behind.

By far the most interesting character is the "Professor," who walks around with a bomb strapped to his vest and a detonator always in his left hand. Played by Robin Williams in the movie version, he dreams of one day building the perfect detonator and wiping out all of civilization.

Conrad is a gifted writer, but also a difficult one. He goes into so much intangible detail that the reader can find himself having trouble keeping track of the plot, but it's outstanding exercise for the brain. READ IT: The Secret Agent will make you contrast and compare the anarchists in Victorian England to the Islamic Fascist of today. TRAILER HERE.


  1. Dexter Gordon was amazing in Round 'Bout Midnight. He played the part of a jazz musician and at the same time played the history of jazz.

    He embodied a human being and a mythology at the same time, Ladyreli.

  2. and he was nominated for a BEST ACTOR oscar (tm).
