Tuesday, October 24, 2006


The MUST READ of the day over at TAT: The Europeanization of the Democratic Party. Excerpt:
Ronald Reagan famous declaration that he “did not leave the Democratic Party. It left me” can be made more contemporary. The Democratic Party has not only left behind many of its old principles and ideals, it now seems to be in the process of losing its moorings and leaving America entirely.
The Left hasn't just abandoned the USA for the EU, they've abandoned Western Civilization! This abandonment has occured because the Left has become almost entirely post modernist, and believes that the West is the cause of most of the wars, and most of the genocide in human history, and also for "global warming" - all totally false assertions. And this post modern Left is doing well politically because they control an important triumverate of power in society: the bureaucracy, the academy and the MSM. (You ca read more on this triumverate from Bruce Bawer - a superb critic of Europe, who has learned first-hand that the Europe the US Left idolizes is a sham.) Well, TAT is right: the Democrat Party wants to turn the USA into an outpost of the EU, by making us more socialist, and by making us even more reluctant to counter-attack against global jihad - by making us appeasers - like much of the EU. Which is why we say, "A vote for the Democrats is a vote FOR jihad." Use the link, and RTWT.

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