Thursday, September 28, 2006


All the fauxtography the MSM recently ran on the Hizballah War attacked the IDF and stoked the Arab Street.

This is the same MSM which incessantly ran the Abu Ghraib photos -- (despite the many Pentagon and White House pleas NOT TO, because it would needlessly "stoke the Arab Street") -- BUT REFUSED to show photos of people jumping out of the WTC Tower, (an act Karzai rightfully felt COMPELLED to REMIND to the NYTIMES reporter who asked him and Bush a question which reeked of BDS).

Even the way the MSM reported the Pope's speech in Regensberg was blatantly distorted and reported out of context in order to make the Arab Street angry, and the Pope look bad.

These are just three simple recent examples. There literally THOUSANDS of other insatnces of blatant anti-American reporting by the MSM the last 5 years.

The consistenly Anti-American, anti-West/pro Arab Street bias can only be explained by one thing: the MSM is dominated by post mopdernists who hate the West and want the USA brought down a notch. All the BS about multi-lateralism and a "more even-handed" approach to so-called "Palistinian" issues is window-dressing.

If the MSM reported the facts accurately (AND THEY KNOW THIS!), then the AMERICAN Street would RISE UP, and the enemy would be more easily and quickly vanquished and the West saved. And the billion Muslims suffering under various forms of tyranny, poverty, and ignorance would all begin to become freer, and more proserous. Er um... more WESTERN.

The MSM is the enemy's MOST EFFEFTIVE weapon: the only way the enemy can win is if we give up. And the only way we will ever give up is if Americans can be brainwashed into feeling we have already lost. This is how the Left - and the the MSM they dominate - got the USA to abandon South Vietnam. They want to do it again - TO IRAQ THIS TIME. And they're using the same methods: the BIG LIE, sensationalist stories which misrepresent the truth -- (if you read "news" about Tete at the ntimje then you'd belive we lost! But the fact is... WE WON! When Cronkite reported on it he treated it as a lost, and LBJ said, fampusly, that if he'd lost Cronkite, then he'd lost the country. The MSM has never forgotten this).

MORE HERE - (links to a brilliant piece by Lifson of The American Thinker).

9/29/06 UPDATE: VDH AGREES: "... radical Islam's hatred of Jews is becoming normalized." By the MSM and the academy.

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