Thursday, September 14, 2006


The CAPT: Arabs Increasingly See Lebanon As A Loss
At the imposition of the UN Security Council cease-fire resolution... Most analysts insisted that Israel's failure to destroy Hezbollah amounted to a humiliation...These analysts would be surprised to learn that Arabs increasingly view Hezbollah's war as a disaster as well -- but a disaster for Arabs:
JPOST: "... opinion in the Arab world has shifted to more sober analysis, as Lebanon, Hizbullah and the Shi'ites face the daunting task of what will probably be years of multi-billion dollar reconstruction.

Even a cursory perusal of the Arab press, will reveal that Hizbullah's status in Lebanon has changed for the worse, as many Lebanese come to the rather shocking realization that the south of their country, unknown to them, had in fact been transformed into an Iranian and Syrian launching pad against Israel posing an existential threat to their own livelihoods and to their entire country.
AS I SAID AT THE TIME: The war was fought badly and ended too soon, but it went much better for Israel than for the jihadoterrorists. Instead of of winning by a knockout, the IDF won a TKO - because the ref called the fight. That won't happen the next time these two fighters get into the ring.

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