Saturday, September 16, 2006


McCain's proposal on detainees is NOT meant to make us safer and more secure; it's meant to help him become president - by mollifying the Dems/doves/Lefties he loves to coddle, as he did with McCain-Feingold, (the biggest assault on free speech in our nation's history).

McCain was a POW to a nation whch was a signatory of the Geneva Conventions at a time when the USA was NEVER even accused of violating the Geneva Conventions, and that did not stop the Vietnamese commies from brutally torturing him.

SO... what makes him think that alQaeda - a non-signatory - will gives a rat's ass how we treat detainees!? After all, alQaeda routinely beheads journalists and even female Muslim charity workers.

McCain is not a dope; he KNOWS this, that's why I am sure his whole entire goal on this issue is purely selfish. He's trying to capture the modrate/centrist position for his race for the WH.

It's more proof that McCain is scum. Like Powell and his protege Armitage - who happens to be an advisor to his campaign.


1 comment:

  1. "I am sure his whole entire goal on this issue is purely selfish. He's trying to capture the modrate/centrist position for his race for the WH. It's more proof that McCain is scum."
    Er, NO! but it is a good sign that you are prepared to admit that your position is neither moderate or centrist.
