Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Islam has to be treated with unusual deference, like a 3-year-old child with anger management problems.
The over-indulged "young bullie" comparison is very apt on a political level, too: libs are sterotypically soft on discipling their own kids, and (as Sowell pointed out today - via RCP) they've always been weak on punishing criminals and gangs. Just as they've always blamed gang crime on "social conditions" instead of on the criminals, they blame the USA and/or Bush for jihadoterror - despite the fact that jihadoterror is 1400 years old! Sowell:
... the same people who have for years been more protective of criminals than of their victims who are now more protective of captured terrorists than of those who are their targets. When such attitudes became ascendant in our courts during the 1960s, the declining trend in crime rates suddenly reversed and skyrocketed, as liberal judges created new "rights" for criminals out of thin air and called it constitutional law.

But this goes far beyond judges and far beyond our own times. The political left has been weak on protecting society from criminals for more than two centuries.
So, the Left's efforts to appease jihadoterror as if it were a criminal problem - or a form of juvenile delinquincy which "WE" are someow responsible for - is very deep-rooted. And this is why we mustn't allow the Democrat Party - which is now firmly under control of its Left-wing - win control of either House of Congress.

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