Monday, September 11, 2006



I think we've been counter-attacking with one hand tied behind our back. I wish we'd nuked Tora Bora on 2001, and fire-bombed Ramadi and Falluja. And we should have assassinated Saddam, Nasrallah and Al Sadr and Assad. But then.. we probably should've attacked Tehran in 1979, and assassinated Kaddafy and Khomeini. The world would be a better place.

The longer we wait - and the more we put off the inevitable, the worse the costs of the inevitable will become.

It's really time for a few more ultimatums. It's overdue. And then we must take decisive action. Military action. It's the least we can do for the victims of jihadoterror and for the defense of liberty.

God Bless Our Troops and the USA.

UPDATE: Ledeen, recollecting Barbara Olson (who died aboard the flight which hit the Pentagon - as did a relative of mine) echoes my feelings:
Barbara would have no time for any of the Bidens, Hagels, Lugars, Deans, Kennedys and Murthas who tell us we are wrong to be angry, wrong to seek the destruction of our enemies, wrong to advance freedom, wrong to defend our borders, wrong to use every technological miracle to discover and divine our enemies’ intentions, wrong to lock away captured killers.

She would spit at the very idea of coming to terms with those who want us dead or dominated. She would have cancelled her subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post, because she would not want the poison in her house, and she would not want to give a nickel to the corrupt rich kids who own and guide the papers.

She would be right. And she must be avenged.
YES: She and all the vitims of jihadoterror must be avenged. And liberty and universal rights expanded, not diminished. As a revolutionary liberal intellectual says: FASTER, PLEASE!

"We"--and our allies--simply have to become more ruthless and more experienced. .. fight on the worst imaginable terrain, and gradually to learn how to confront, infiltrate, "turn," isolate and kill the worst imaginable enemy. These are faculties that we shall be needing in the future.
Kill them. Not negotiate. Kill. And demand that other Muslim nations cooperate or ... else, because you are either with us, or them. Like Lebanon and all the others... if they are not helping us kill the enemy, then they are the enemy.

It's the least we can do for the victims, and for the defense of our civilization.

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