Saturday, September 30, 2006


The man famous for leaking The Pentagon Papers has a piece in the October issue of Harpers in which he calls on government insiders to leak information on any war plans the U.S. government has for Iran. This call to arms from Ellsberg was "leaked" to Editor & Publisher a few weeks ago. Then just in the past week we get a leak from somewhere in the government of the National Intelligence Estimate which seemed to say that the Iraq War is hurting the War on Terror. Okay, it's not exactly what Ellsberg was calling for...he said Iran, not Iraq, but it's close enough. It may be a coincidence, or it may be that the Vietnam era traitor has some sway with the traitors of the modern era.

1 comment:

  1. good one!

    i think the leakers are poltically the same now as then: post modern leftists who see the USA as the biggest threat to stability and to peace and the rp spread of socialism. kerry's father was of this ilk, too. as is kerry. ned lamont's famous relative corliss lamont was too. THE NATION folks then and now. the ACLU then and now. The NLG then and now. ANSWER then and now. and so on. seymour hersh then and now. the dems-doves then and now. jane fonda then and now. chomsky then and now.

    fellow travellers and dupes to marixism then and to jihadism now. they thought reagan was a bigger threat than the USSR then, and they fear bush more than alQ now.

    ellsberg epitomizes this.
