Thursday, September 14, 2006


We can add Jimmy Carter to the list of Leftist, anti-Semite doves who have gone out of their way to oppose Lieberman and support Lamont.

"He was one of the originators of public statements that misled the American people into believing that the Iraqi war was justified," the former Democratic president said on CNN's "Larry King Live."
Which is a LIE. (Or, if it's true about Lieberman, then it's equally true of Clinton, Hillary, Gore, Daschle and almost every other Democrat who served in the Senate between 1992 and 2000: IT WAS UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED THAT SADDAM HAD WMD. AND IT IS A FACT THAT SADDAM WAS IN VIOLATION OF UNSCR#1441.

Carter is just an old decrepit tyrant-appeasing Leftie-dove who is absolutely totally entirely full of crap. And directly responsible for the creation of Ayatollahstan.

Carter joins Moulitsas, Sheehan, and Schiavo in criticizing Lieberman. Lamont is obviously in BIG with the anti-Semite crowd of appeasers and defeatists. Lieberman should wear the Carter snub as a badge of honor.

NOTE: More proof that Iraq was a good and just and necessary cause HERE (proof that the Iraq War was always central to the GWOT) and HERE (proof that Saddam was in violation of UNSCR$1441) and HERE (proof that most of the Leftie-dove criticisms of the Iraq War - and by extension Lieberman's support for it - are totally bogus).

UPDATE: While in the UK Carter went out of his way to ATTACK BLAIR. Carter is a sc**bag.

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