Thursday, September 21, 2006


[After his UN diatribe, Chavez] spoke to hundreds of New Yorkers who filled a college hall Wednesday night...

He drew a standing ovation when he said Bush committed genocide during the war in Iraq. "The president of the United States should go before an international tribunal," Chavez said as applause filled the hall at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.

He compared the Bush administration's actions to those of the Nazis. ...

The Venezuelan has become Latin America's leading voice against the U.S. government, and his speeches were reminiscent of crusading addresses by his mentor Fidel Castro of Cuba and the late Argentine revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara. ...

He also referred to his past threats that he could cut off oil exports to the U.S. if it tries to oust him.

"Believe me, if I were to decide tomorrow to stop sending oil to the United States ... the price would go up to $150, $200 a barrel. But we don't want to do it, and we aren't going to do it," Chavez said. "We ask only for respect."

... Singer and activist Harry Belafonte introduced Chavez at the event, while former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark also attended, among supporters who waved Venezuelan flags and chanted Chavez's name.

The Venezuelan leader signed autographs as a crowd rushed to him after the speech.
This demonstrates once again that much of the Academy - the folks who're teaching our next generation - are anti-American Leftists. They show love to this Marxist tyrant even as he BRAGS that he can single-handedly decide to cut-off oil supplies to the USA anytime he chooses (which, I shouldn't have to point out, is decidely tyrannical and totally anti-free market).

The tyrant's stage-comrades were apt: Chavez was flanked by flagrant anti-Americans Harry Belafonte and Ramsey Clark - two aged darlings of the extreme Left who've never met an anti-American tyrant they didn't love.

The setting was sadly ironic: Cooper Union is where Lincoln gave the anti-slavery speech that propelled him to the White House. Lincoln must be spinning in his grave that this hallowed ground has once again been used by Marxists - who believe in a failed doctrine which is fundamentally opposed to liberty - to denigrate the USA and aid and abet our enemies.

BETSY has a post which reveals the truth about this Marxist tyrant

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