Wednesday, September 13, 2006


A.J. Strata draws our attention to Robert Novak fighting back against the deceptions of Richard Armitage. (Via Drudge)
Novak, attempting to set the record straight writes:
“First, Armitage did not, as he now indicates, merely pass on something he had heard and that he ‘thought’ might be so. Rather, he identified to me the CIA division where Mrs. Wilson worked, and said flatly that she recommended the mission to Niger by her husband, former Amb. Joseph Wilson. Second, Armitage did not slip me this information as idle chitchat, as he now suggests. He made clear he considered it especially suited for my column.”
Novak slams Armitage for holding back all this time.

Armitage’s silence for “two and one-half years caused intense pain for his colleagues in government and enabled partisan Democrats in Congress to falsely accuse Rove of being my primary source,” Novak explains.
FACT: Armitage was anti-Iraq War.

I assert that he leaked Plame's ID and her role in the Wilson mission in order to BOLSTER Wilson's cred's. When Cheney and Libby Rove became SUSPECTS (a secondary and unplanned for side-effect of the leak), Armitage kept silent because HE WAS HAPPY HE'D HURT THEM - AND BUSH. And Powell played along.

This is the ONLY scenario which explains everything. It passes Ockham's Razor.



  1. Yes, Reliapundit, youa re absolutely right. The only explanation that makes sense is that Valerie Plame Wilson's role in arranging her husband's investigative trip to Niger was leaked to Robert Novak in order to bolster Joseph Wilson's credibility. Of course it backfired, but that just shows you how tawdry and sordid Wilson's mission really was.

    Novak clearly states, as you note: "As for his current implications that he never expected this to be published, he noted that the story of Mrs. Wilson’s role fit the style of the old Evans-Novak column — implying to me it continued reporting Washington inside information."

    Armitage wanted the story out, so that it would lend credibility to Joseph Wilson's lies about what he found in Niger, and undermine the President's foreign policy. And national security policy.

    Novak very clearly states: "He had told me unequivocally that Mrs. Wilson worked in the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division and that she had suggested her husband’s mission."

    Who voted for Richard Armitage?

    His actions are very close to treason, are they not? Did he not provide aid and comfort to America's enemies?

  2. it is treasonous. and fitzgerald aided and abetted armitage's plot. they should both be tarred and feathered.
