Thursday, August 17, 2006


On Nov. 7, 2000, the day of the big election between Vice President Al Gore and Texas Gov. George W. Bush, Riley appeared at the polling place in Oconomowac, Wis., where he had registered to vote just the day before, voting records show. His ex-wife owned a home there. "Then he drove down to Chicago where he was already registered and he voted again," said Michael Crooks, a Wisconsin attorney who filed a complaint against Riley with Wisconsin election officials. "This is about as blatant as it gets."

Riley is running for the State Senate in Wisconsin this year.
I betchya tens of thousnads of Dems pull this schtick EVERY YEAR, all over the USA. They have zero morals: they support abortion on demand; euthanasia; abandoning our allies; appeasing our enemies; and are atheistic socialists who believe in redistributing private property and a command economy.

In short, the Dem left (which now controls the party again) supports everything which is amoral, pacifistic and proven to lead to economic disaster. And they love murderers and lying-serial rapists and incompetent traitors.

A thorough roundup of Dem corruption (with dozens of links) HERE.

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