Monday, August 28, 2006


"MUSLIMS WORLDWIDE STAGE PROTESTS OVER KIDNAPPING AND FORCED CONVERSION." NOT. In fact, there has been not a single word of protest, not one single solitary whispered word. Even though the the koran forbids coerced conversions - at least in one quote:
So, if Muslims hold the koran sacred, then why aren't any Muslims anywhere protesting this sacreligious act or even speaking out against it, and demanding the perps get punished?

And while I'm asking, why haven't they protested the beheadings, or the mosques blown up by "radicals/militants/extremists"?

Because islam is not a religion; it is a martial creed which has created generations of terrorists and battered-people who tacitly, fearfully support terrorism. This is not news; it is history - 1400 year old history. This is how they made Christian north Africa and the Judeo-Christian Middle East into a caliphateto begin with!

Terror, kidnapping, foreced conversion and war: they are the SOP of the ROP.

The fact is that this very same martial creed supports honor-killing and wife-beating of its own mothers and daughters and sisters. And the men raised under this creed are brutal animals.

Until this creed is effectively neutralized, WW3 is gong to continue. And if the mullah-tyrants of Iran go nuclear before they are defeated, it's going to get real messy - as in genocidal on a horrific scale.

Ultimately the martial creed must change, or the one billion adherents have to be liberated from it. This might take many many decades. And Iran will have nukes in months or years. Which means we may have no choice but to preemptively neutralize their arsenal - or potential arsenal - before we have neutralized their evil creed.

This was true in WW2. Military defeat was a precondition for denazification.

FDR and Truman understood this and fought the enemy with everything we had. Where are FDR and Truman now that we really need them?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it is true to say that Islam forbids forced conversion. Of course, it is true that the verse you cited from the Koran does forbid compulsion.

    However, as you know, there are other verses in the Koran which call for Muslims to wage Jihad against the Infidel in order to ensure that the entire world become Dar al-Islam.

    These verses tells us that the Infidel who is conquered by Jihad has three choices, conversion, dhimmitude, or death.

    These verses were written later in Mohammed's life, which means they abrogate the earlier verse which speaks against compulsion.

    Truth is, many Muslims live by the no compulsion creed, but, if they were to choose to protest they are easily be shut up Imams and holy men who simply point out the later verses.
