Thursday, August 31, 2006


The Lebanon donor conference in Stockholm has raised more than $940m in pledges of new money, Swedish Foreign Minister Jan Eliasson has said. The organisers of the aid conference had set a target of $500m. The new pledges bring the total amount of money raised to help with the rebuilding of Lebanon to $1.2bn.
LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT: In direct violation of UNSCR #1559, the Lebanese government failed to even attempt to disarm Hizballah - the terrorist organization which (until 9/11) had murdered more Americans than any other in the world. Thus, the Lebanese government is complicit with Hizballah - which even has seat in the Lebanese Parliament and in the cabinet! The Lebanese government allowed this terrorist organization to remain armed and to remain in de facto control of the south of Lebanon.

This Lebanese government still contains Hizballah terrorists. And now, the Lebanese government is getting more than a billion dollars.

This is freakin' NUTS. Until the Lebanese government does not contain a single terrorist, and until Lebanon does not harbor terrorists or allow them to control any of Lebanon's territory, they should not get a single solitary penny.

For imposing a cease-fire, and for appeasing Hizballah and the Lebanese government which includes Hizballah - Bush and Condi should be ASHAMED of themselves. What they've done is hypocritical and counter-productive. Bill Maher - believe it or not said it well:
I feel really bad for Lebanon. I'm sorry you got your country all bombed up. But, you know, when you let a terrorist organization take over your country that's what's going to happen. I'll tell you two Arab countries that never get bombed, Egypt and Jordan, because they made a peace treaty with Israel. Try it.
You don't win wars by giving the enemy a cease-fire. I belive the IDF did more damage to Hizballah than the other way around. And that's why I believe we should havce let Israel finish the job. THEN AND ONLY THEN would an aid package - to a Lebanese government which would not have a single terrorist in it - makes sense.

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