Friday, August 18, 2006


Many people are "awfulizing" the recent Hizballah-Israeli War. In fact, it went well for Israel: No Arab nation came to Hizballah's aid, and Hizballah was only spared by international intervention, an inbtervention which is patently a last chance.

And, Israel sent a powerful message to Jordan and Egypt and Saudi Arabia and even Syria and Iran: if you mess with us - or
let jihadowackos from your territory mess with us - we will eff you up, bigtime.

UPDATE: Ed Morrissey of CQ cites reports that Abbas has declared a unilateral cease-fire as proof of the fact that the message has been received. EM/CQ:
This demonstrates that the Israelis gained something from their actions in Lebanon, and earlier in Gaza. The Olmert government may have mishandled the military strategy in their Lebanon incursion -- almost certainly they did -- but their ferocious response to what had been routine provocations made an impression on both Hezbollah and the Palestinian fighters. The latter want to bring an end to the fighting before the Israelis redeploy their retreating troops into the two Palestinian areas.
AND ANOTHER THING: Just because some Arabs
claim victory, (by cheering the terrorists as they stand amid the rubble) - and just because some wobbly hand-wringers in the West seem to agree - doesn't make it so. The enemy lost on the battlefield, and they cannot claim a moral victory: Moral victory and Hizb'allah are mutually exclusive terms.

And, the next time Israel decides it has to retaliate against Hizballah there will be no restraint and no cease-fire - only defeat for Hizballah, and it will be seen as completely justified by every nation which voted for the cease-fire.

Of course, I'd've rather that Israel had just gone and wiped out Hizballah now, and of course they were justified to do it now, and of course it is unfair and unjust for Israel to be held to a different standard than any other nation. And of course it's insane that France and the other nations will send troops to defend Hizballah but not to defend the emerging democracy in Iraq, or to defend Israel.

But that's where the world is at right now. And Bush and Condi are trying to move the Euroweenies along and keep us more united now (than we've been the last two years) because of what's in store for us... very soon: the confrontation with Iran. And North Korea.

Brace yourself. You ain't seen nothing yet.


  1. I think you are correct about the awfulizing in this case. Israel did objectively win. However, the Olmert government did agree to a bogus peace treaty, and they should have known it was bogus, and the Bush Administration should have known it was bogus.

    I don't accept the theory that they are simply setting up the enemies and appeasers, because the enemies and appeaser will always find more excuses to be enemies and to appease.

    It is time to start destroying them, plain and simple.

    There is not a whole lot more time, if you haven't noticed.

  2. wars are fought in stages.
    and on many fronts.
    i feel that we should've/could've wiped out hizb now.
    bush and olmert and blair felt we needed to pause.
    they might be wrong.
    but it is not fatal to our cause.\and it might strgenthen us for the coming campaign against iran by unting our side.

    we shall see.

    sure: it's okay to be disappointed: it 118 soldiers gave up their lives for israel in this war, and israeldoessn't hjave as much to show for it YET as we'd like.

    but they know what they dided for and that goal hasn't changed.

    one way or another hizb will be neutralized and very soon. sooner rather than later.

    hizb has had arms illegallky for years. in month they will bhe vanquished.
