Saturday, June 17, 2006


For three years the Left and the MSM they dominate - have relentlessly harangued to public with propaganda about Iraq; this is typified by their constantly calling the jihadoterrorism there (which is almost exclusively perpetrated by "al Qaeda in Iraq") an "insurgency".

Sri Lanka has had an "insurgency" for 25 years - about 3000 people are killed each year by it, on average. Yet no one calls Sri lanka a failed state - a land of chaos and despair OR A QUAGMIRTE because of this persistent violence.

And, Thailand suffers from a jihadoterrorist attack every third day, on average - but no one calls Thailand a failed state.

So why does the Left - and the MSM and Democrat Party and EU/UN-elite they dominate - treat Iraq as if it was a failed state or a phony democracy!?

It's simply bullshit.

People who REALLY support human rights for ALL humans - as Lincoln, WIlson, FDR, Eleanor Roosevelt and JFK did - should be whole-heartedly supporting Bush and the US military's efforts in Iraq and the Iraqi's constitutionally elected democratic unity government .

That the Left does not support our efforts there - and instead says that Iraq's a quagmire, and that we are failing in Irq and that we should withdraw - says more about THEM and THEIR BIASES and their HYPOCITICAL, VAPID and USELESS IDEOLOGY than it does about the war in Iraq.

The doves of the Democrat Party suspended financing for the emerging democracy of South Vietnam in 1975 - and it fell soon after --- A FULL TWO YEARS AFTER THE LAST USA COMBAT TROOPS HAD RETURNED TO THE USA.

Given the chance, the Democrat Party would do the same thing to Iraq: abandon them to terrorists and tyrnanny.

If the public votes in a Democrat majority into the House this fall, then Speaker Pelosi will lead her majority in avote to abandon the Iraqis - and allow al Qaeda to set up shop there.

This is why the most important battle in the war against global jiahd is the poltical battle right here in the USA.

IT'S SIMPLE: Vote Democrat if you want al Qaeda to win.

In the 1970's, the Democrats didn't care if the communists took over Vietnam and southeast Asia - or if the USSR took over Afghanistan and Khomeini took over Iran.


NOW: the Democrat Party doesn't care if jihadoterrorists take over Iraq.

The results will be worse.

That's why everyone should VOTE GOP. No matter how you feel about immigration or spending: VOTE GOP.

And hey: I'm a registered Democrat - have been since 1974! A nauseated Democrat, sickened by the Left/dove take-over of my party.


  1. Great post, Reliapundit. Great point about Thailand and Sri Lanka.

  2. "no one calls Sri lanka a failed state - a land of chaos and despair OR A QUAGMIRTE because of this persistent violence." Actually Sri Lanka rates no.25 in the Failed States index.

    Many disagree however, and call it's unfair it's included in the list.

  3. Anonymous11:10 PM

    The governments of Sri Lanka and Thailand are not trapped in a Green Zone with scores of assassinations abounding in Bangkok and Colombo, kidnappings rapes and scores of bodies discovered each morning for the past six months in their capitals!

  4. publius -

    1 - the taliban did not exist until after the ussr were expelled.
    2 - the taliban and ubl took over becasue we VACATED afghanistan AFTER we expelled the ussr. they did not arise becasue we expelled the ussr.

    if we abandon iraq trhe way we abandined afghanistan then bad thgings will happen. VERY bad things.

    TO ANON 1137am:

    according to that list, 25 states are worse than sri lanka - which has been the fardest hit of all by terrorists for the last 25 years.

    there is no international outrage over the tamil terror, and the govt reprisals are not met with rallies sponsored by ANSWER or the DU or KOS.

    sthosewho claim the iraqi govt is trapped in the green zone are dupes.

  5. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Those who believe the Iraqi government's control of its capital has the faintest resemblance to the Thai government's control of Bangkok should be forced to walk a mile outside the Green Zone and lose what little head they have.

  6. Anonymous4:54 PM

    hey anon 1:11

    whatever you may think about the green zone the fact is bush & blair and fogh rasmussen visited irak...and left again unharmed...

    Al Q's leadership is hiding in a cave in the pakistani badlands...

  7. Anonymous5:47 PM

    baghdad is a GRONT in the GWOT. bangkok is NOT, but the south of thailand IS.

    therefoire your analogy is idiotic and the cheapshot is stupid.

  8. to my anti-semnitc troll from public libraries in kentucky and ohio:

    (1) i am no chickenhawk - no more so than lincoln or fdr or nicon or lbj or wilson and virtually every other POTUS ion the lasst 100 yerars who waged war while in office and saw NO COMBAT THEMSELVES. the term itself is meaningless. and stupid.

    why njot stick to KIKE or neocon!?

    also: the editor^publisher is a harcorfe loeftist ragh which i doubt has the real goods. in any event; the negativist account they published was just the opinion of reportedly disgruntled people.

    i know people there hwo say wuite the opposite is truue across the broad geography and demography of Iraq.

    you really ought to stop beliveing the Left. WHY?!

    have the ever been right about ANYTHIBG?!

    nope they have't.

    why am i so sure: i was on the left for most of my life.

    they were wrong about vietnam, reagan, the ussr, he rosenbergs, alger hiss, china, fidel and che, etc etc etc and so forthn and so on.

    never right.

    if the left says it, then the OPPOSITE is true.

  9. Anonymous4:13 PM

    this was a WP document right from Green Zone employees who speak of the deteriorating conditions. the
    Iraq War is LOST

  10. Anonymous5:52 PM

    the memo was about iraqi/baghdadi employees ONLY. and they are under an increased risk now - as are all moderate iraqis - in the police force and army.

    this is NOT reason to CUT&RUN but to redouble our efforts.

    we don;t need to abandon the iraqis now as we did the south vietnamese and the contras and the afghanis in 1989 and the shias in 1992 and the somalis etc.

    retreat and defeat are not how wars are won.
