Monday, June 05, 2006

MORE PROOF OF GLOBAL JIHAD - and why Binladen is rooting for the Democrats

"This investigation is not finished," Mike McDonell, deputy commissioner for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, told Canadian Broadcasting Corp. on Monday. "Anybody that aided, facilitated or participated in this terrorist event will be arrested and prosecuted in court."

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day also predicted more arrests. Another senior government official told The Associated Press on Sunday that more warrants were being gathered and that arrests were likely, possibly this week.

Although both Canadian and U.S. officials said over the weekend there was no indication the purported terror group had targets outside Ontario, McDonnell told National Public Radio on Monday that the inquiry has expanded beyond Canada.

"We are working with and sharing our information with our allied countries," he said.

A U.S. law enforcement official said investigators were looking for connections between those detained in Canada and suspected Islamic militants held in the United States, Britain, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Denmark and Sweden.

American authorities have established that two men from Georgia who were charged this year in a terrorism case had been in contact with some of the Canadian suspects via computer, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing.
This is absolutely a World War - (either 3 or 4, depending on if you include the Cold War).

And the Dems/doves/appeasers of the Left are ready to turn either Afghanistan or Iraq (or both, given the chance!) into modern day Sudatenland.

I PRAY the American electorate doesn't give them the chance. But, the way the polls look right now, the electorate just MIGHT!

AND TO ME, it just doesn't figure: the enemy has attacked us and our allies with terror at home; they're more brutal and repressive than the Nazis were, (and given the chance would commit genocide on a "grander" scale!); our casualty rate is miniscule compared to Vietnam, (and yet the Vietnam War had GREATER public support TEN YEARS INTO THE CONFLICT THAN IRAQ DOES after three!).

SO WHAT GIVES?! And it ain't just the MSM - after all, the MSM is LESS concentrated now than in the late 1960's-70's. So, why are Americans less resolute, less patient now than then?

For one thing, the Democrat Party is ENTIRELY a party of Leftie dove appeasers now; there is NOT ONE HAWK among them. (In the Vietnam Era, there were some hawks in the Democrat Party.) SO, the opposition to the war is MORE PARTISAN now than then, and the Dems are more desperate for power now than then, so they unabashedly demagogue the Iraq War day in and day out. Of course, they have willing comrades in the MSM. And their spin on the news - ALL NEWS - is more partisan: they never report good economic news, or good news in the GWOT, or good social news - like the fact that drug use and crime continue to decline.

I think this COMPREHENSIVE BLACKOUT OF ANY GOOD NEWS has a powerful overall effect: the bad news from Iraq is compounded EXPONENTIALLY because people are LED TO BELIEVE that the whole world is going to pot - (AND A POT THAT WILL SOON BE BOILING BECAUSE OF MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING, TOO)!

The comprehensive blackout of all good news is essentially driven by Leftists who believe that Bush stole the election IN 2000; they have been "gunning" for Bush ever since, relentlessly slanting ALL NEWS against him. When a little good news gets out (like the fact that the unemployment rate is now 4.6%), it is spun into bad news and gets no traction.

SO WHAT DO WE DO?! (1) We have to remain committed and get out and vote GOP despite any differences some might have with Bush on immigration or spending. The War Against Global Jihad trumps everything else.

Not only will a Dem Congress abandon Iraq and Afghanistan, but they will raise taxes, cut defense spending, and block conservative judicial nominees. And try to impeach Bush.

And a Democrat Party victory will effectively VINDICATE BINLADEN. WHY?! Because ever since Clinton abandoned Somalia, Binladen has been arguing that America doesn't have what it takes to keep fighting a long war with combat deaths. Binladen's ENTIRE strategy is predicated on this; he has said so. If the American people vote the Democrats into power, then they will prove Binladen correct.

IOW: If you support Binladen then vote Democrat.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    9/11 shows the US EMPIRE is overextended and cannot protect its
    own from the enemies its overseas gambits have made.

    The ruling class was too corrupt to punish the negligence that allowed 9/11 to occur by firing those responsible, at the very least.

    The US needs to come home and
    stem the Mexican invasion, which Bush's guest worker plan rewards.

    The Empire must dismantle and this means exiting the Moslem world
    while developing our self-sufficiency regards energy.

  2. you are a wackjob!
    we are not an empire.
    we collect no taxes in any foreign land.
    immigration now is much lower than during the early 20th century.
    we need to stem it down and requires assimiliation. but it is no crisis.
    we can NEVER be self-sifficient in energy -that's just stupid.

    we are among the largest energy PRODUCERS in the world - in the top five of OIL producers, too. but we use GHOBS MORE than any nation can produce.

    we get 45% of our energy from overseas - most from CANADA and VENEZUELA - and NOT muslim lands.

    you should try basing your opinion on facts, instead of knbeejerk leftist aphorisms.
    bybyee you leftie loon!

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Anonymous, I agree. The U.S. is an empire! Just look at the vast reaches like American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Midway, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guantanamo Bay!

    Prime islands dudes! The U.S. has almost total control of its territories, unlike Japan, Korea or Germany where the Americans are only allowed military bases, but have no real power in the day to day governance of the country.

    Reliapundit, you need to trust Anonymous on the "get most of our energy from muslim land" thing. I think he's from the future, and yes, Canada and Venezuala are muslim lands in the future.

    Icepick the Mad!
