Thursday, June 01, 2006


UPI/World Peace Herald:
A human rights activist speaking to United Press International on condition of anonymity stressed that "under present conditions," the opposition's activities are viewed as provocative to the Syrian authorities.

"There is no doubt that the opposition has moved from a tight domain limited to individual parties to a larger context that grouped all types of political parties from extreme right to extreme left, and this has alarmed and angered the authorities," the activist said. The activist was referring to the Damascus Declaration, signed by Syrian political activists representing all aspects of the opposition, including the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood Organization whose members face the death penalty under law 49.

The declaration called for ending the emergency law; ensuring public freedoms and the liberty of expression; introducing reforms allowing the creation of a multi-party system; combating corruption; and conducting a dialogue for initiating change.
People who believe in Universal Human Rights - as defined by Eleanor Roosevelt's UN Declaration of same - should be in an uproar over the situation in Syria. Especially because of this - from Khaleej Times:
A hunger strike by Syrian lawyer and rights activist Anwar Bunni, arrested in a crackdown on opposition figures seeking better ties with Lebanon, entered its third week on Thursday, his wife said. Bunni has been on “only water and some tea. He has lost several kilos (pounds) but his morale is good”, said Raghida Bunni after visiting her husband in Adra prison, near Damascus. She said he was continuing his hunger strike “in protest at being held in jail and the manner in which he was arrested” on May 18.
Assad's murderous regime is every bit as bad as Hamas and Ahmadinejad. And Assad is getting worse as his hold on power is evermore threatened. Stay tuned...

ADDENDUM: When the jihadomaniacs go on a hunger strike in GITMO the Left - and the MSM they dominate - are all over the story. But when a freedom-fighter like Anwar Bunni goes on a hunger strike, the Red Cross, and the ACLU and The Nation and the MSM are SILENT.

That's because the Left are really not "anti-war"; they're on the other side.

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