Friday, June 02, 2006


A new Quinnipiac Poll finds American voters selecting George W. Bush as easily the worst American president in the past 61 years, with fellow Republican Ronald Reagan picked as the best.
WRONG. THIS IS A RANK DISTORTION. The word "easily" is used to intensify the poll result, as if those who thought Bush was the worst, thought so MORE READILY than those who thought Nixon or Carter were the worst. This is false. The poll MERELY relates how many of those polled thought which president was the worst:
Bush was named by 34% of voters, followed by Richard Nixon at 17% and Bill Clinton at 16%, according to the Quinnipiac University national poll of over 1,500 voters released today. Leading the list for best President since 1945 is Ronald Reagan with 28%, and Clinton with 25%.
Twice as many polled thought Bush was the worst than thought Clinton was the worst. BUT:
While Democrats and Republicans split widely on the "worst" choice, 35% independent voters picked Bush.
Okay, this is logocal: GOP voters LIKE Bush, and Dem voters do not. And Independents don't RIGHT NOW. AND WHY IS BUSH LEADING, RIGHT NOW? SIMPLE: IRAQ:
The main reason cited by voters who disapprove of Bush is the war in Iraq -- listed by 43%. By 56% to 39% they say that that going to war in Iraq was the wrong thing to do. Nearly 6 in 10 want withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
If the MSM covered the good news from Iraq like they cover the bad news from Iraq - and if they reported ANY GOOD ECONOMIC NEWS AT ALL - then Bush's numbers would be higher.

BUT THE RSULTS ARE REALLY NOT NEWS AT ALL. WHY?! BECAUSE PRESIDENTIAL POPULARITY CHANGES WILDLY IN THE DECADES WHICH FOLLOW THE YEARS OF SERVICE: for example, at the time, Truman was wildly unpopular, and did not seek another term, stepping aside for the wonkish Leftie Dove Adlai Stevenson, (whom Ike beat easily, TWICE!). But now, Truman is correctly VERY HIGHLY REGARDED.

Here are some more FACTS:
Reagan's - [NOW REGARDED AS THE BEST PRESIDENT ACCORDING TO THE QUINNIPAC POLL CITED BY E&P] - 52% average approval rating for his entire presidency was topped by Kennedy's 70% average, Eisenhower's 66%, Roosevelt's 68%, and even by Johnson (54%), who eschewed running for reelection because of the unpopularity of his Vietnam policy.

In short, about half-- and sometimes more than half-- of the US public did not approve of Reagan's presidential performance.

His approval index was not much better than the lowest modern presidential averages: Truman's and Ford's, each at 46%; Carter's at 47%; and 48% for Nixon.

... the facts show that Reagan was definitely not the most popular post-war president, and during many comparable periods he was among the most unpopular.
This proves that public opinion on presidential perfromance changes over time, with perspective. CASE IN POINT: I hated Reagan at the time, but now agree: HE WAS A GREAT AND GOOD PRESIDENT, ONE OF OUR BEST. The same will be true of Bush: history will regard him as one of the very best presidents of ALL TIME.

Likewise, opinon of Clinton will change over time: soon, Clinton will join Carter in the DUNGHEAP of HORRIBLE PRESIDENTS. Carter gave us a HUGE MISERY INDEX - and the ethos of sweater-wearing defeatism, AND the hostage crisis, AND the fall of the Shah, AND the invasion of Afghanistan. Truly, ALL the problems we face now BEGAN ON HIS AWFUL WATCH. (And he has been WORSE since then: defending anti-American tyrants like Chavez and Arafat and Hamas and Kim Jung Il!)

Clinton - (whom I voted for TWICE, I'm ashamed to admit!) - fiddled around with Monica as the world "burned":
(1) We were attacked by jihadoterrorists OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and BJ Clinton did BUPKUS. And (2), he allowed the economic Bubbles to grow, and burst as he left office. And (3), he allowed the CROOKED CEO's to loot Wall Street. All the crooked CEO's - who Bush is sending to jail - did their crimes on Clinton's watch. And (4), Enron, et al., ripped off California in their energy scam on his watch. And (5), Clinton entertained Arafat in the oval office more than any president. And (6), he stood by and did nothing as MILLIONS of blacks were MURDERED as victims of racist genocide in Africa - (in Rwanda and the Sudan. YUP: MILLIONS. Yet, African-Americans still love him! Go figure!) And (7), the New Orleans levees which were BREECHED were built on HIS WATCH! And (8), Assad was allowed to occupy Lebanon compleyely unchallenged. And (9), the Pakistanis were allowed to build nukes and ILLEGALLY export nuke technology. AND (10), Saddam was allowed to abuse the UN Oil for Food prgram, and bribe our supposed allies.

BOTTOM-LINE: This list is why Clinton should be, and soon will be, regarded as one of our worst presidents - ever.

Under Bush we are fighting back and defeating the jihadoterrorists. We've "converted" Khaddafy. We saved Georgia and Ukraine. We caught the AQKhan smuggling ring. We EXPOSED the deceitful UN-Oil-For-Food Scam, and their "sex-for-refugee status" scam. Home-ownership is at AN ALL TIME HIGH - EVEN FOR ALL MINORITIES. Unemployment is VERY VERY VERY LOW. The economy is booming. And democracy - worldwide - is ON THE MARCH.

Truly, Bush has already been a GREAT president. And soon history will judge him so. And so will the polls. But Lefties like the folks who run E&P and the MSM will never admit it.

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